The SuperMak Wonderland

You are now entering SuperMak's teritorry..This Blog only share about common things of me, my family, life and anything about LIFE! I blog for GENERAL things in dont ask why my blog doesn't have a theme :)
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Friday 26 October 2012

Salam Aidiladha

Assalamualaikum mommies n mommies to be. Selamat hari raya aidil adha..korban apa tahun ni? Pheww...setiap kali raya haji kami hanya sambut kt KL je. Nothing much can do here but still we feel the joy. Pagi2 raya kena siapkn anak then suami. Lepas tu baru diri sndiri..huhu Tahun ni xdpt g sembahyang sunat hari raya. Yela sape nk jg my ZaraDelisha yg semakin aktif tu kan..Tokma n Tok Abah Ayh Chik Ayh Su pon sume g masjid so xde org nk lyn dia haha..

Our menu today: Satay..nasi impit kuah kacang , lontong, nasi beriyani kerutuk udang ayam masak merah n udang gergasi goreng buttercreamy. Alhamdulillah..kenyang satu hari!  Seperti biasa satay la yg paling byk masuk perut kn coz its myfavrite ;p

KL lengang hari ni. We all xde mood nk kua...lepak uma je. Mommy ngantok ZD sibuk ajk main..papa da selamat wat taik mata.

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