The SuperMak Wonderland

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Tuesday 9 October 2012

Introducing Solid Food to Zara Delisha

Talking about food and feeding unhealthy food on my previous entry, I would like to share another story about food..For every new mommy, other than looking forward to see your baby learn how to roll over, take his first steps etc, the most anticipated event for a mommy is definitely when her baby can start eating solid food! Do you agree? When you become a mum you're faced with dilemma after dilemma. Well, some of you may beknow that my lil Zara is only 5 months old right now and think its too early for her.But I have my own reason. Of course la I follow nasihat doctor..takde main taram aje kan hehe..

According to doctor, there are several signs that our babies are ready for solids. Sometime between four and six months, baby may show an interest in what's on our plate. What are the best foods to give her now as she wants more than just milk? Most paediatricians suggest that we can introduce cereals and purees when baby is between four and six months old. 

Well, some of my friends suggest to start with fruit puree or vege puree and i'm thinking to do so..but u all know la kan bila MIL bg pandangan, mcm kena ikut la plak..My bad coz i lupa nk bgtau dia i nak start with fruit puree tapi dia dah start bagi Zara makan cereal dulu..that time I dekat ofis..balik rumah aje MIL ckp da bg Zara makan cereal...hurm...then fine la as long as she's ok with that...but we have to monitor within 4 days in a row..some called it 4 days rule. After clearing the 4 days rule, found that, si Zara suka makan cereal ni licin dia bedal semangkuk..(well, 2 spoon je pon ;p)

Zara's favourite: Wheat cereal with honey

Meal time: Comot aiihh si kecik ni

Nota Kaki: *Please remember the 4 days rule mommies, in order to rule out any food allergies*

Mommy ada jugak wat servey and read through safety tips that the most common food allergies in babies and young children are to milk, eggs, peanuts and tree nuts. If you think your child is allergic to a food, see your GP and ask for a referral to an allergy clinic. It should be quite easy for you to tell if your child has an allergy. The symptoms include; nettle rash around your child's mouth, nose and eyes, mild swelling, a runny or blocked nose, itchy mouth, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. So far, Zara takde lagi alergic.. Alhamdulillah..keep it up dear~

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