The SuperMak Wonderland

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Wednesday 3 October 2012

Flu management

Flu n fever attacked our tiny family mommy lak kena flu.. Zara seems like recovered from flu but not fully i think coz still running nose sometimes especially at night. Now mommy punye turn..ape leh buat flu kn senang berjangkit..papa pon da ada flu symptom tu..adeh. I've took panadol soluble last night n took it again in da menyampah jw nk mskan lg after lunch..coz looks like no effect taking over..hurm mr tubby da bising suh pegi klinik..n i'm thinking to do so actually but then again penyakit lain plak menyerang iaitu MALAS.muahaha ...

Well today's entry  is about flu management..actually lepas kawen ni tahu ada petua ni..itu pon from my hubby. From the begining my hubby is really good in parenting coz he got lots of experience dealing with babies n kids..ops he's not anyone' s father when i mary him ok haha but he used to take care of his nephew n niece.n also act as Babysitter for his own younger brother. well..last week when zara started to cry coz of flu..cough n running nose..meragam la hidung tersumbat tak boleh tido..pity her n as usual i gave her flu works for few hours but she' wake me up in the middle of night 'telling' us she's still not ok..then mr.tubby straight away go to kitchen and back with something on his hand. then i asked, what is this? nampak mcm kunyit aje kuning sangat..n what u gonna do with that? Dengan selamba je dia terus sapu dekat hidung zara..around 5 minutes zara back to sleep..her breath totally ok..tido lena siap dengkur kecil lg..then my hubby said sometimes petua tradisional pon membantu..rupanya kunyit hidup blh meredakan hidung tersumbat..ambik sedikit kunyit hidup tumbuk dan campur dgn sedikit baby oil..lau xde pakai minyak masak pon dewasa pon boleh cuba..hurmm dah dpt 1 knowledge kan..haha thanks to my skiny tubby ;p

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