The SuperMak Wonderland

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Tuesday 16 October 2012

My Chickiboo BamBam dah 6months old!


Oh, ZaraDelisha my lil' darling chickiddo turns 6 months today! Time sure flies doesn't it? Onother half year to complete her first year milestone. Alhamdulillah..we're proud to be Zara's parent. Berjaya membesarkan dia selama 6 bulan ni she's very good girl..jarang menyusahkan mommy n papa dia ni..Only a few weeks ago I was feeding her with her first cereal wheat honey porridge (which she loved haha). Now the lil' monster is eating almost everything! Just kidding! I tak nak introduce banyak2 sangat food kat ZD..kang obes plak muahahaha. But since last 3 days, her poopoo mcm something wrong..its very slushy..sloppy and green! Cuak la kan tetiba sangat cair. Then I stop feeding her with that cereal coz mr.Hubby said, it might be coz of the food she took..(yeap we only feed her with that cereal besides boleh jadi sebab jgak kan).

Some of you may wonder what my lil' Zara Delisha has been up to these days. Oh well, besides crawling all over the house, trying to grab everything along the way, attempting to stand on her own without holding on to anything, toys, which more often that not resulting in her tumbling down, then later screaming for attention, she is also quite busy exploring and experimenting with every little thing that she sees and touches. If she's interested in something, she will stare at it, lick it, hold on it, and when he's no longer interested, she'll just throw them away or kadang2 wat tak tauuuu je. ^_^

Her other milestones include:

Play around with her fingers than chocked herself
Pick up tiny objects using her thumb and forefinger
Say 'mam' (me) ^_^
Stand alone momentarily
Understands 'no' (but does not always obey it)
Look for any dropped and moving object
Object when we try to take something away from him
Holding on to a furniture (cruising) on bendwon
Drink from a bottle independently (when she's in the mood)
Sway her head and body back and forth, side to side when she hears music or when we sing haha so cute


Cakap Kat SuperMak...