The SuperMak Wonderland

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Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year 2014

First entry utk tahun 2014 yeay! Salah satu azam utk tahun ni (yg xsempat masuk dlm list smlm) ialah nak update belog sekerap mungkin. Hehehhe Iyolahh tu kan :p

Hokkay! Year 2013 has passed and new year 2014 is now here.Everyone desperately waits for New Year
Obviously this the day when we are going to start another year of our life and promise to ourself with some resolutions for the whole year like I will do this, I will do that. Just After the Christmas ( 25th December) the craze for New year begin among the people. Everyone prepares something special to make their New Year a very special evening. But Mom, erm just stay at home spend quality time with my small family hehe golek2 guling2 ngn Mr.Hubby and lil princess..teman cikRara main masak2..mkn sate sambil layan cite transformers lg best! Bersyukur dgn ape yg kita kecapi harini.

2014 menanti dengan penuh tanda tanya..Untung tak dapat diraih, malang tak dapat ditolak. Rasa cabarannya lebih hebat lagi.. bukan sahaja pada Mom and family tapi mungkin pada masyarakat diluar sana juga. Kenaikan harga barangan dan taraf kehidupan adalah antara cabaran yang paling hebat yang perlu ditempuhi dengan sabar. Nak tak nak kita kena tempuhi juga.. siapalah kita yang ingin lantang bersuara.. Ibarat wau melawan angin.. acheeewah!

Pape pon moga tahun 2014 ni menjadi tahun terbaik kita semua, semoga kita makin dekat dgn Nya dan jauhkan segala laranganNya. Mom and family always pray for Malaysian's peaceful. We hope that this new year also will enrich your life with full of happiness, peace, good health and wealth for you and your family.


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