The SuperMak Wonderland

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Sunday 9 December 2012

Zara Delisha dah tumbuh Gigi!

Salam mommies...I'm here to share about theething..berketepatan dengan tajuk entry muahahaha. A baby’s first teeth (known as milk or deciduous teeth) usually develop while the child is growing in the womb.In most babies, these teeth start to emerge through the gums when they are around six months old. This process is known as teething. Most babies start teething at around six months. However, all babies are different and the timing of teething varies. Some babies are born with their first teeth. Others start teething before they are four months old, and some after 12 months. Early teething should not cause a child any problems, unless it affects their feeding.

My lil Princess Zara Delisha dah tumbuh gigi! She's now almost 8months..noticed on lastweek la time dia kusyuk duk gigit plastik pampers dia (yg baru ok, pampers x pakai lagi haha) tengok2 ada kesan gigitan kt plastik tu. Cam pelik, mommy usha tengok mulut dia..haaa amik kau, da ade gigi taring dua batang. A bit weird la kan selalunya baby akan tumbuh gigi bawah dulu tp dia gigi atas..taring lak tu hahaha. Then a few days ago, check2 tengok gigi bawah pulak dah tumbuh. Even bottom front teeth (incisors) dia not so clear tapi leh nampak la dua batang cute tu..some more bila dia gigit kita dah rasa sakit tau haha.

Lately ni dia selalu demam2..My MIL said coz nak tumbuh gigi..air liur meleleh-leleh je...pity her..loose appetite muka macam lapar tapi bila bagi makan dia tak mau mungkin sebab tak selesa kot.. yang dia suka menempel kat ibu dia je kalau boleh 24 jam pastu merengekkk nak dokong je..ngan papanya pon dah x mau hahaha.

And that's Zara- crying for mommy's sympathy. Anda boleh nampak tak gigi dia 2 batang kt bawah tu? Haha Main pon xsyok kalo sakit gigi kot kan ;p

Well Mommies, some teeth grow with no pain or discomfort at all. At other times you may notice that the gum is sore and red where the tooth is coming through, or that one cheek is flushed. Your baby may dribble, gnaw and chew a lot, or just be fretful.

Apa ye yang mommies kat luar buat bila anak dah start demam bila nak tumbuh gigi? Atau ada petua2 lain hilangkan kesakitan baby?.. Setakat ni saya just bagi ubat demam yang klinik bagi je, that one for fast way la. But mommy ada jugak do some readings on teething tips. There are several ways you can help make teething easier for your baby. Every child is different, and you may have to try several different things until you find something that works for your baby.

For Zara, mommy bagi dia gigit theether or teething rings. Some teething rings can be cooled first in the fridge, which may help to soothe our baby's gums. For other tips, try to give your baby healthy things such as raw fruits or vegetable.Always stay close in case they choke. Mommy ada gak bagi Zara Milna biscuit and bread stick for babies but seems, she hate it.

Lastly, comforting or playing with your baby. Its work on my lil Zara coz sometimes distract her from
the pain in her gums. Your baby may be feeling too irritable or restless to play, but at other times, it may be a good way of getting them to concentrate on something other than their teething pain. Trust me~ Hehehe

Ops~ malam ni Malaysia vs Thailand -  Piala AFF suzuki. Tgh syok duk blogging, Mr.Husband update result seri..ahhaha ok la daripada kalah kan.. Adios!~

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