The SuperMak Wonderland

You are now entering SuperMak's teritorry..This Blog only share about common things of me, my family, life and anything about LIFE! I blog for GENERAL things in dont ask why my blog doesn't have a theme :)
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Sunday, 22 July 2012



Burger bakar 1 KG...fuhhh abis diet xpe...demi melunaskan hasrat masa dalam pantang aritu..hahaha 

YAZID BURGER bakar...Sek. 7 Shah Alam...syokkk! 1 kg ni leh mkn dlm 11 - 12 org..(depends size perut ler).. tat day i pegi reramai ngn kwn2 dlm 12 org cmtu..we all oder 1kg & 1/2 kg burger bakar..perhhh mkn x hengat~

Cik Bambam with MamaLina n Aunty Ana - lentok ok ;p

Lil Zara dgn Aunty2 yg gojes!

I boley gerenti u'ols..mmg sedap giler..berbaloi tunggu hampir 2 jam stgh..queue mmg pjg ok..Sesapa nak g, I cadangkan pegi kul 6 masa dorang baru stat biss operation..Burger Yazid, Seksyen 7 Shah Alam...ala belakang UNISEL tu... slmt menjamu selera!!


  1. holla...rugi tak dapat pegi

  2. hahahaha...u missed the most amazing part Na..chop dukung Zara! persis seorang ibu hehehe :)

  3. persis mutiara doh chop tuh....bleh doh nikoh

  4. Yup...lulus dh tu...practice awal2....raya ni leh lasung dh nikah kawin haha


Cakap Kat SuperMak...